How long does it take to ship from Vietnam to the US

How long does it take to ship from Vietnam to the US

Blog Article

Currently, it only takes about 3-5 days for goods to arrive in the US by air and about 30 days by sea. The time it takes to ship goods from Vietnam to the US depends on many factors such as the method of transportation, type of goods, the location of receipt, and the US customs inspection situation "gui hang di my". Below is a table of statistics from LHP Express on the shipping time of airlines:

Delivery time of international airlines

Express delivery package 3-5 working days.
Standard delivery package 5-7 working days (cheaper)
Priority package: 2-3 working days (higher cost)
Delivery time of Vietnam Post, Viettel Post: 1-2 weeks
Delivery time via LHP Express: currently average 3.75 working days
Note: 54 US states have states that are not in the center, so shipping time may be extended by 1-2 days

Express delivery process to the US

Long Hung Phat Express is proud to have a professional express delivery process to the US, ensuring that all orders are delivered safely, accurately and on time. Our process is designed based on many years of experience and a focus on customer satisfaction.

Here are the details of our express delivery process, including 7 standardized steps:

656/11A Cach Mang thang Tam St ,Ward 11,District 3 ,Ho Chi Minh City.

(Attention : Mr Chanh CellPhone: +84936 799 169 )




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